
- 60ml amontillado sherry

- 20ml pineapple syrup

- 15ml scotch whisky

- 15ml fresh lemon juice

- 3 dashes aromatic bitters

Shake all ingredients with ice until sufficiently chilled, strain into a prechilled collins glass over crushed ice, garnish with pineapple wedge and/or fonds and some more drops of bitters over the ice.


Tiki style drinks, but based on unusual or even low-ABV ingredients? Count me in!

A very drinkable yet complex combination with a nice nutty, round body from the amontillado, plus ripe pineapple, malt and lightly toasted oak, as well as a hint of tiki spice in the finish. A great crowdpleaser, which is always exciting with unusual ingredients that people might not otherwise order directly or expect to find together in a drink. A sherry-based drink that I don't like at all? I have yet to find one...

Source: Ryan Fitzgerald & Todd Smith, ABV, San Francisco


Sangre Dulce


Fireplace Fashioned