
- 45ml dry gin

- 22.5ml pink grapefruit juice

- 15ml Campari

- 7.5ml elderflower liqueur

Stir everything on ice until sufficiently chilled, strain into a prechilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a grapefruit zest.


A typical, easy going and balanced cocktail in the old school style. Also typical Jim Meehan, as well as typical for a hotel bar in the vacation resort of Aspen, it's meant for everyone and yet has a nice interplay of flavors for beginners.

There are quite a few sours with grapefruit, also because it's probably the easiest citrus fruit in the world to obtain after lime and lemon. However, the drinks often seem a little flat and overloaded with grapefruit flavor. Few things are more deadly for an exciting drink than too much juice. Here it is picked up well by the Campari, passed on in a concentrated way and then contrasted nicely with the elderflower liqueur to create a little tension. One of the better sours with grapefruit away from the tiki domain.

Source: Jim Meehan, Chef's Club, Aspen, USA, 2012


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