
- 45ml cognac (originally Hine H)

- 15ml cream sherry (originally Lustau East India Solera)

- 15ml lemon juice

- 7.5ml amaretto (originally Lazzaroni)

- 7.5ml Grand Marnier

- 7.5ml simple syrup

Shake everything on ice until sufficiently chilled, strain into a prechilled coupe. No garnish.


An expanded Sidecar from the very first of what has become quite a few Death & Co books. A solid drink and good Sidecar, nothing inherently wrong with it. However, I have to say that it loses out a little to The Wind-Up and Squeaky Wheel, for example, in direct competition when it comes to modern drinks with amaretto.

A Sidecar with a slight almond note and a little orange from the Grand Marnier, the sherry goes a little under the radar in my opinion. Theoretically, it could also be due to the rather intense, albeit fruity and fresh Grapediggaz Cognac VSOP. So maybe go for a softer cognac if you want to sense more of the sherry.

Source: Joaquin Simo, Death and Co., NYC, USA


Sleeping Lotus


Isle Of Martinique