
- 30ml aquavit (rec.: Linie from sherry casks)

- 30ml Cynar

- 30ml dry sherry (amontillado, fino, manzanilla)

- 2 dashes peach bitters

Stir everything on ice for about 15-20 seconds, strain into a prechilled cocktail glass, garnish with a lemon peel.

Not a big fan of the classic Negroni, but this modern classic and riff by bar legend Robert Hess suits me just fine. The combined flavors are much more rounded than in the classic gin Negroni: The sherry sweetness from the aquavit barrels makes the base round, the fino is tamed surprisingly good despite 30ml (in other drinks 20-25 seem way too much), the Cynar helps out with the dry-bitter part, at the end again the beautiful herbs from the aquavit.

In addition, he is especially concerning strirred drinks an absolute bargain for your house bar, all 3 main ingredients cost <20€ per bottle.

Source: Link / Link




Eclipse Cocktail