(East) New York Flip


- 40ml bourbon

- 30ml tawny port

- 20ml runny honey

(for the "East NY Flip", for the simple "NY Flip" use simple syrup instead)

- 20ml cream (30-35% fat)

- 1 egg yolk

First add everything except the egg yolk to your shaker tin, swirl/stir around until it is mixed a bit, add your egg yolk. Vigorously dry shake to emulsify. Add big ice cubes and shake on ice for a short time to chill. Strain into your frozen cocktail glass. Garnish with freshly grated nutmeg.


A wonderful milkshake for the weekend and as is often the case with this kind of drinks (flips, eggnogs etc.), you can sometimes find recipes with whole egg instead of just yolk, this one seems like the more sensible version to me though. I followed, as far as the recipe goes, one of my favorite underrated bar books, "A Spot at the Bar", from The Everleigh Bar, Australia. There are many beautiful classics also from the second row included and - particularly helpful - all variations of a drink next to it, with reference to the respective names etc.

In those additional small info bits you can find the info on the "East" NY Flip variant too. The more interesting variaton in my opinion, because you got honey instead of simple syrup, this way a simple, small flavor get added on. Also you will learn in the book that with Scotch it would be called "Morning Star", with Apple Brandy "Lazy Man Flip" and with Cognac "Charlestown Bracer".

Tasty, quaffable and yet one of the more intense flips, especially since you can play around a lot with ~100 proof (and more) bourbons here. As not too big a fan of this drink category, this is definitely one of the more interesting flips, since it is more complex than most.

Source: "A Spot at the Bar - Welcome to The Everleigh", Michael Madrusan & Zara Young, p. 200-201


Curtain Call


Honey Badger