
- 45ml Rest & Be Thankful Monymusk 2012 Rum

- 15ml Isautier Rhum Agricole Blanc 50%

- 15ml pineapple syrup

- 15ml fresh lime juice

- 5ml Chartreuse M.O.F.

- 2/3 bsp Bigallet Crème de Violette

- 2 dashes Scrappy's Black Lemon Bitters

- pinch of salt

Shake everyhing on ice until sufficiently chilled, strain into a prechilled coupe, garnish with some pineapple leaves and/or a flower.


Since I was kindly provided with the beautiful Monymusk 2012 from Kirsch Import (review), I have thought up a special drink to match its rather ethereal and partly floral & green notes. So this drink will not work with every Jamaican, rather the more delicate ones, with grassy, waxy and floral notes are needed here, should you want to make it without the Monymusk 2012 itself.

A great aromatic interplay of flowers, ginger, fresh sugar cane, dried tropical fruits and herbs. Similar in the mouth, lemongrass on the attack, sugar cane juice, dried pineapple, camphor, ginger, then the subtle violets, gentian, lime zest and a touch of salt in the final third. Lingers forever with ginger, sugar cane, subtle violets and more.

Thanks to Kirsch Import for supplying the bottle.


The Stark

