
- 30ml mezcal

- 30ml Campari

- 22.5ml coffee liqueur

- 7.5ml amaretto

- 2 dashes Angostura bitters

Stir everything over ice until sufficiently chilled, strain into a rocks glass over one large ice cube, garnish with an orange zest (I prefer a grapefruit zest).


An ingenious combination of flavors, perfectly balanced. The Squeaky Wheel can be stirred a little longer, with perfect ice in the glass the enjoyment is guaranteed here. It only became perfect and creamy after 5-7 minutes and developed its full aroma at that point.

At first we thought that perhaps more mezcal and less Campari should have been used, as the latter came through a bit too much in the finish for our tastes (not the biggest Campari fans, we got to admit that), but then when mentally calculating back and forth, we quickly realized that the whole balance would go off the rails after all. A great drink! Full, aromatic, with agave, bitter oranges, fine mocha notes and a little bit of roasted almond, slightly sweeter than a normal Negroni, but just as aromatic.

Source: Nicholas Bennett, Cedric's At The Shed, NYC




Drunk Uncle