Café-Guide #6: KAYA, Athens, Greece
Kaya is an intimate and local must-see for specialty coffee in Athens, Greece. […]

Café-Guide #5: Brühmarkt, Frankfurt, Germany
Brühmarkt in Frankfurt offers a colorful marketplace for beans and baked goods. […]

Café-Guide #4: Zaremba Café, Warsaw, Poland
Zaremba Café in Warsaw distills a nostalgic flair of travels and Polish craftsmanship into a stylish spot

Café-Guide #3: DOPE Roasting Co., Athens, Greece
Dope Roasting Co. in Athens, Greece is the perfect open space for a morning coffee, chat with the neighborhood and freshly baked pastries. […]

Café-Guide #2: Coffeedesk, Warsaw, Poland
Coffeedesk is the all-in-one stop for everything coffee in Warsaw, with multiple Cafes and a vast online shop. If there is a coffee related product on the Polish market, Coffeedesk is where you will find it. […]

The Aeropress, coffee fast and easy
Easy and fast coffee with the Aeropress. Do you know how to prepare the perfect cup with it? […]

A thought on coffee culture
Coffee is just as arbitrary as a hobby as any other epicurean be it single malt whisky, the perfect cocktail or bar culture in general. The process of growing, harvesting, selecting, roasting, and brewing is, objectively speaking, complicated, and to make a good coffee there are many factors that affect or detract from the experience. […]