Ice Pops for Adults


What better way to start simple, snackable food recipes in summer than with alcoholic ice pops? That's right, there is nothing better.

The inspiration for this came from one of my favorite bar books, "Amaro" by Brad Thomas Parsons and the interesting recipes towards the end of his collection. Here you will find Affogato variations, but also real food recipes, including the "Fernet and Coke Ice Pops". Inspired by these nice, slightly alcoholic ice pops for guests in summer, but also ideal little treats in bars (whether paid for or as a free thank you after several drinks), I have come up with a few more recipes myself.

So a new recipe will be added here every week, have fun!

PS: The recipes and quantity recommendations below are for the typical, larger ice pop molds, but I'm actually very happy with this mini version. Due to the small filling quantity - but with lots of compartments - you can experiment wonderfully, add more variety and of course try to keep the amount of ice cream (& sugar) consumed to a minimum.

We start with the Fernet & Coke Ice Pops from Parsons' Amaro book mentioned above. It should be mentioned here that he recommends Mexican Coke for the recipes, as is often recommended as standard in bars in the US. Mainly because no corn syrup is used in contrast to the US Coca Colas and it is therefore said to have a more traditional taste. Of course, it's also ideal to play with your own Coke preferences! After a few tests in the meantime, however, I would recommend not going too "alternative", as the Fernet already adds a very intense, culinary and herbal note. Ergo, very "intense", herbal colas such as Fentimans are pretty much overkill. The chosen brand should have a certain fruitiness, sweetness and freshness to maintain the balance.

To build directly on this and add something of my own, I have added a cherry note to the recipe. Few things go better with both the minty notes of Fernet and cola (think of Cherry Coke) than fresh cherries. It is important to use sour cherries here for a full and refreshing taste. White sugar instead of demerara helps to convey the cherry notes more directly, but you can also use demerara if you only have this one at hand. If your guests have never tried Fernet or Amaro before and generally prefer fresh, light ice pops, it would certainly be smart to start with the lower recipe and only afterwards go for pure cola & Fernet, as this is a quite different experience to typical, easy summer ice.

Fernet & Coke Ice Pops

Makes 8-10 Ice Pops:

- 1/2 cup Demerara sugar

- 1/2 cup water

- 2 1/2 cups Coke of your choice

- 1/2 cup Fernet-Branca

Fernet & Cherry Coke Ice Pops

Makes 8-10 Ice Pops:

- 1/2 cup white sugar

- 1/2 cup tart cherry juice

- 2 cups Coke of your choice

- 1/3 cup cherry liqueur

- 1/3 cup Fernet-Branca

In a medium saucepan over medium heat, bring the sugar and water to a simmer (in case of the Cherry Coke Ice Pops, the sugar and tart cherry juice), stirring the mixture occasionally to dissolve the sugar. At the first crack of a boil, remove from the heat. Stir in the Coke and Fernet-Branca. Let cool to room temperature, then pour into ice-pop molds (makes enough for ten 3-ounce molds or eight 4-ounce molds). Freeze for at least 12 hours in your coldest freezer settings or follow the pop mold manufacturer's instructions.


Euskalduna Studio, Porto, Portugal