
- 30ml rye

- 15ml Averna amaro

- 15ml Nonino amaro

- 15ml maple syrup (would recommend 10-12.5ml)

- 1 dash orange bitters

- 1 dash maple bitters (if not available, nut bitters or whisky barrel aged bitters do just fine)

Stir on ice for at least 30 rotations, strain into an OF glass filled with one large cube/sphere of ice, for garnish use an orange zest with added cloves, express the oils over the drink.

Ah, my beloved "Amaro" author, Brad Thomas Parsons, strikes again. This time with a book that - I was surprised to discover - I don't even own. So I came across the drink through the great PUNCH website. Is it bold & hearty? Yep. Is it bittersweet? Quite a bit. Is it still pretty nice? Oh yes.
A really appropriate name for the drink, its really something for the months between october to february and gives you a great feeling of a warming sunset somewhere in the cold nature, in an already rather luxurious wooden cabin. I would reduce the maple syrup minimally by 2.5-5ml, but not too much, otherwise the idea of the drink goes down the drain, despite the amount of amaro. The amaros are classily matched, the Nonino as more dry, leathery style, the Averna as more bittersweet (but still very drinkable), orangy. Nice, cozy drink, where you know what you get just reading the recipe, especially if you like sweet-dry bourbon OFs or Don Lockwoods already.

Source: "Bitters" by Brad Thomas Parsons


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