
- 40ml Hayman's London dry gin

- 20ml fresh lemon juice

- 15ml amaro (preferably Montenegro)

- 10ml Amontillado sherry

- 10ml apricot liqueur

- 5ml orgeat

Shake everything with ice until sufficiently chilled. Strain into a prechilled cocktail glass, garnish with rose petals or another edible flower.


A very drinkable and at the same time exciting drink, the mini portion of orgeat contributes to a hint of creaminess in the body, otherwise it is dominated by freshness, apricot sweetness and dry nuts, wonderful. Based on my preferences, I would increase the amount of Amontillado to 15ml for that tad more dryness. Also one of the recipes on DG where I would love to know how far Mr. Difford has deviated from the original. He writes that it is from the source mentioned below, the world-famous Atlas Bar in Singapore, which I think is brilliant per se.

At the same time, it's almost hard to believe that they serve such a "simple" drink. On the other hand, it is a bit older and it doesn't seem impossible. It's annoying that there's absolutely nothing else about the drink online, and when it comes to "Amaro", for example, Difford himself only writes "e.g. Montenegro", so was he not even aware of what was in the original? Nonino Amaro or other lighter-colored Amaros would certainly also make good test candidates for substitution. Either way, an absolute recommendation!

Source: Jesse Vida, Atlas Bar, Singapore (according to Diffordsguide)


Carlton Banks


Red Grasshopper