
- 60ml blanco tequila

- 30ml lime juice

- 22.5ml honey syrup

- smoked paprika

Shake everything over ice until sufficiently chilled. Fine strain into a prechilled cocktail glass, garnish with smoked paprika powder.


As someone who actually prefers agave spirits in stirred drinks, i.e. without the acid component, I was surprised by how much I like this drink. So simple and yet well balanced, it gains a lot if you take a tequila with a strong character, earthy or nutty notes, the agave should also be clearly noticeable. The honey instead of simple syrup gives a nice little variation in taste and the most important component here is of course the detail of the smoked paprika on the drink. In the nose, but especially in the taste. If in doubt, spread out a little more over the drinks surface, because the earthy-smoky note as a counter to the sour works wonders and produces a nice spectrum of flavors with just 3 ingredients + garnish.

Source: Michael Madrusan, The Everleigh, Melbourne, Australia


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