Black Tea Infused Tequila
Einfachere Infusionen als Tee sind quasi nicht möglich, eine Stunde Zeit und Lust auf etwas schwarzen Tee im Agavendrink? […]

Pineapple Syrup
As with many syrups, there are several methods to prepare this Especially pineapple syrup often has combinations of flavours in different variations, grilled pineapple syrup, spiced pineapple syrup, etc., but we will leave those for another time. […]

Dried Citrus Slices As Garnish (with an oven)
I've never liked and continue to dislike fresh citrus slices/fruits on/in my drinks, 1) always looks kind of cheap since you know that from 1980s & 1990s photos with margaritas and significantly worse drinks from bad resorts, 2) it gets sticky and annoying quickly and 3) dried citrus just smells even nicer. […]

Hibiscus Tea Syrup
A very easy to make syrup that serves wonderfully as an exciting grenadine substitute, with a added subtle vegetal and tea-like note in comparison. […]

Cinnamon Syrup
Cinnamon syrup is one of the simplest syrups, but one that finds fairly common use as a supplement or substitute to simple syrup, similar to honey or demerara syrup. Here I share a recipe from the modern tiki bible "Smuggler's Cove", as cinnamon syrup is most commonly used in tiki culture. […]